Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Kick It Into Gear

Alright, I have had my fun. I have sat on my butt and done nothing for too long, it is time to kick it into gear. I am like old Mother Hubbard, I have no food in my cupboard and my children are crying. I have gifts to wrap and still more to purchase. There has not been a decent meal prepared in this house for at least a week and no real "sit at the table and talk meal" with my family in a good couple of weeks. We are falling apart at the seams. To make matters worse, I plowed into a door yesterday and jammed the two smallest toes on my right foot. Both toes are now purple and puffy and very sore.

On a good day lately my meal prep inspiration is lacking add to that my inability to stand or walk for too long and "Houston we have a problem. On the upside, I do not need to keep an ice pack on my tootsies because it is so blooming cold outside that my feet are already freezing cold. I want to get back on track with my food prep, but things like tonight for example keep holding me back. Tonight, Avery has play practice after school until 3:30 PM, then she will come home eat something and head back to school with Aly by 4:30 PM to prepare for tonight choir concert. This will not be a family meal night. There is a chance that since we have had two snow days they may have to cancel the concert. If that is the case then I need to be prepared with a back up meal plan.

I am not sure where my maternal meal skills have gone, but this has been an ongoing problem and I am becoming concerned. Even my list making and planning skills have taken a nose dive. I am starting to worry. What was once an organized, meal making domestic goddess is now a purple toed unprepared mess. On top of that I have not even looked at my dream board in weeks. No dreams, no plans, no lists and no meals. I am a mess. I declare today my get my act together day. I am determined to get back on track, I think I will hobble to my room and get ready to work out (if I can get my work out shoes on) and get a fire burning inside of me. Maybe some exercise will do the trick. I can only hope, at this point I will do whatever it takes to kick it into gear.

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