Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Have you ever been in a situation where someone you know has a different perception of a person or events then you have? You find yourself stumped and confused. You might even be scratching your head wondering what you have missed, or even why the other person does not get it.

"Human perception is the psychological definition of what we perceive, which despite what some people believe is not always the same as what truly is. Human beings have a tendency to perceive things the way they want to rather than how they are really happening. Also a person without sight may perceive sound drastically different that somebody with the ability to see. Each person's individual perception is based on that person's previous life experience and with that being the case no two people's perception of the same situation is likely to be exactly the same."

asoalexander - Answer Expert @ www.reference.com


Just knowing that none of us perceive things the same does not help when you are smack in the middle of a situation that frustrates you. That is a hard place to stand. You can feel alone and misunderstood. There is also a chance that you can feel ganged up on. How do you resolve this without hurting people you care about? I learned a long time ago that people believe what they want and no amount of cajoling or arguing is going to change someone else's mind or perception, that is something they have to do for themselves. There is the random epiphany that some have that brings them in line with your perception, but over all you must be comfortable standing in the hard place and living with what you believe to be true.

Today, I am writing to you from the hard place. It is not entirely uncomfortable; I have been here a long time. I know that my perception is correct and I stand where I am to protect myself. No one has ever asked me about my perception; there has just been an assumption that something is "wrong" with me. There has been no attempt at understanding or compassion for my feelings. Instead I have been judged.

I am now at the point that others will now be hurt because I do not intend on changing my perception or my stance. I am not happy about the hurt feelings, but by judging me and assuming things about me a choice, or perception has been made and I am unwilling to bend or move from my hard place just to make others that do not "understand why" I am in this place feel better. This is my line in the sand. There should be no problem with perception from here on out, because I am no longer willing to just stand by and give away my energy for someone else (who could care less about my feelings). I feel like the perception now should be easy, if for some reason there is confusion then I hope you will take the time to ask me about how and why my perception is what it is, instead of assuming that I am the problem.

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