Monday, January 2, 2012

Repair Work

Eat, drink and be merry! That has been the theme of the last couple of weeks and I am ready to stop plying my body with every calorie known to man and get back to caring for myself and my body. I have some major repair work to do.

I have enjoyed a variety of cookies, beverages and candies. I might have had even more candy if my dog Roxanne had not helped herself to the box of truffles a friend gave me. No need to worry she is fine and her body rejected her holiday treat all over my living room rug. I have also had cheesy potatoes and Cheese balls and cheese puffs. The first officially nutritious meal I have had in a while was last night when I made spaghetti for my family.

The holidays bring challenges for me since I am a grazer and during the holiday season there are usually counters and buffets filled with delicious choices. I move from one platter to the next eating, eating and eating some more.

It is time to get back to real life and real eating and oh yeah…exercising. The being merry schedule has taken its toll. I have some repair work to do and I am ready to get at it. Of course I am going to wait until tomorrow to get back to working out and I have a couple more holiday snacks I should finish off, but after that, I mean business!

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