Thursday, January 12, 2012

Where Does the Time Go?

In normal morning fashion yesterday, I did my morning workout, had breakfast, made myself some coffee, sat down and checked my email and of course poked around on Facebook. All this knowing full well I had plans to meet some friends for a coffee tasting (I KNOW cool right?) which I will talk about a little later. Anyway, the problem is that the world has lost its simplicity. Suddenly instead of just relaxing and enjoying your breakfast or coffee or -insert morning activity here- , you are now checking for texts and voicemails, emails and status updates.

There is no mystery at all. You are knee deep in everyone's business 24 hours a day. I want to be clear, I am not complaining I am merely pointing out that for me the ability to be constantly up to date is very time consuming. Here I am sipping my coffee, laughing at a status post on Facebook one minute and the next minute, I am running around like my hair is on fire because I lost track of time or more likely dumped my time down the technology toilet.

I am also going to use this as my reason for not posting a blog yesterday. My "Holy smokes what happened to the time?" moment created a domino effect that continued through my entire day. I found myself running out the door at 4:30PM to go grocery shopping and at 5:45PM I was running in flinging bags and food and bossing everyone around so that I could get a delicious meal on the table.

I know what you are thinking, "Ragen are you sure its technology that is the problem?" "Are you sure it isn't because you don't have it together?" I will give you that, there are days I do not have it together… (actually there are a lot of my days like that), but if I was not busy being Miss Busybody on Facebook and checking my email twice an hour for all the estate updates or whatever other excuse I tell myself, I think I would have a lot more time on my hands. In the middle of this rant, I realize that I always manage to get everything done, but it would be nice not to have this tight knot in my neck from the stress of it all.

So, about the coffee tasting… I met a couple of my friends at our local Library yesterday and the Manager of our local Caribou Coffee shop shared two new flavors of coffee with us. We sniffed them and swirled them and then tasted them on the tips of our tongue. We compared our opinions on the flavors we smelled and tasted as well. It reminded me of the wine tastings that Mark and I have done in the past. The most shocking part of the event for me was that this dyed in the wool cream in her coffee girl liked drinking the coffee black. Apparently my coffee drinking has matured and I am over the cream.
 I will now hold my nose in the air because I am suddenly a coffee purest and a complete coffee snob! "Why just look at the way they sully the subtle undertones of that coffee with their cream, amateurs!"

This has been my overly complete disclaimer for not writing yesterday including a little insight into the way my mind works. It is not pretty folks, but it gets me through the day. Through the day on a slight delay with my hair on fire and yelling "Where did the *#%@ time go?"

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