Saturday, January 7, 2012

Put The Sugar Down!

It is the time of year when I realize that the holiday bad habits are having an effect on me. Case in point, SUGAR! I am normally a pretty focused person when it comes to diet and exercise. I eat healthy food and show great regard for portion control throughout the year and then suddenly from Thanksgiving until the ball drops in Times Square on New Years it is a free for all of unhealthy food and beverage decisions.

I find myself looking in the mirror when I dress or brush my teeth and even when applying my makeup and sneering with disgust. "Look at you!" I think to myself, "You disgust me!" "Have you no self control?" I actually think that when I sweat the sweat pours out of my body like syrup. I am also aware of a doughy feeling sort of like the Pillsbury Dough Boy only doughier and more feminine.

This is my official announcement that I am aware of the situation and I will be taking action to get this situation under control. I am not going to lie to myself and try to quit sugar cold turkey. I am however going to make an effort to remove the temptation from the house. I did pitch a hand full of M&M's in the trash this morning. I had pulled the bag out to throw them into chocolate chip cookies for the girl's lunches and there were a few M&M's left in the bottom of the bag. I had begged my children to eat them or give them away, but I think they are intentionally working against me. Perhaps they are hoping for a jolly Mrs Claus like Mom.

I am fully aware this is my responsibility and I also am aware that as soon as I announce that I am not going to eat sugar anymore, or drink wine or…well you get the idea, I crack and basically throw myself onto whatever the trigger item is to keep it safe. I double up on my consumption and end up sneering even more at my syrup dripping doughy self with complete distain. They only possible way out of this cycle is a slow steady trudge uphill shedding one ounce of sugar sweat at a time.

Today I hope to stand tall and face the mirror knowing full well that this is a one day at a time process. There is only one person that can take charge of this and since Mark will not help me, I am going to have to step up to the plate…"Oh, wait not the plate…is that an M&M cookie?" I have my work cut out for me, but I am confident that when the chips are down…"Oh chips! I love chips…those are not sweet at all!" Anyway, today is the day and who knows what will happen. One thing is for sure I need to PUT THE SUGAR DOWN!

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