Friday, January 27, 2012

Conference Call

Yesterday in the middle of stressing about the cast party planning, I had a conference call with my co-executor/sister and our New Orleans attorney. I have to tell you that my head is ready to pop off from the stress of keeping all this information in my head. One minute I am coordinating whether we will be receiving 200 or 400 chicken wings for the cast party and the next minute I am discussing negotiations with our attorney about my Mom's estate. It is difficult to explain other than to tell you that my teeth are clamped so tight I now have given myself jowls and I am certain I have worn away enamel on my teeth.

Here is the thing; throughout this process of negotiation with the attorneys for my Dad's widow (just saying widow increases the pressure on my jaw! I mean seriously they were married for three months and knew each other for maybe 6 months…whatever!), we have had to continually give them information. We are far more in the know (again I am saying we when I am just hanging from my sisters coat tails) about dates, amounts and incidents than they are. It is the most frustrating thing to constantly have to reply to them not knowing something or having some information with "Yes, here is the document that supports our position".

In the middle of this drama are people who keep inserting themselves into the process who have no idea what is going on and have been brain washed by my Dad. My Dad was a narssistic man and if you did not agree with him he had no time for you. I have one sibling that seemed so happy that Dad paid attention to her that she is now completely blinded of the fact that most of what he did was illegal or immoral. It is absolutely mind blowing how people can become involved in things that are morally and ethically wrong and not even bat an eye about it. It's just all in a day's work to them.

So here we are, Mom died in May 2009. My Dad never did his part to honor her trust or even inform her beneficiaries of their inheritance and instead used her money for his own gain. Then he died May of 2010. It is now 2012 and we are negotiating with someone he met and adulterer with a couple months before my Mom died about things she literally knows nothing about and this uninformed sibling is backing her up.

I am a walking ticking time bomb of unexpressed hostility! Well, that is a lie, I have expressed my hostility to my hubby, but he now just gets this distant glazed look that reminds me of someone on anti anxiety medication. I suspect that having the diversion of a party to plan this weekend helps keep me from screaming like a crazy person. I have to remain focused and together. There is the first show tonight and I am excited to see my girls perform and it will be a busy weekend over all. So after we have one more call today about estate stuff I will focus on the show and the preparations for the cast party. Hopefully, this knot in my neck will go away and I can unclench my teeth and relax my jowls for just a little while this weekend.

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