Friday, January 13, 2012

Winter of the Heart

Winter is normally snowy, blustery, icy and sloppy. Until this morning we have been spoiled with exceptionally mild weather. It has been somewhat warm (40 degrees Celsius range) and snow and ice free. Waking up to a thin layer of snow and ice on the roads and a 7 degree temperature has me diving for anything thick and warm that I can put on or layer up with. All I keep thinking is brrrrrrrrr!

Honestly, I think a day of hot cocoa and movies on TV with a warm blanket and my dog curled up next to me sounds fabulous. My heart is just not warm and toasty either. I am not depressed, just in need of a little mental vacation. I am feeling a bit underappreciated here at home and somehow I have myself convinced that if I give myself a day off it will all be better.

I think a few hours of me time is in order. I have a gift certificate from Christmas for a facial, so I may call to see if they can squeeze me in today. Why not? What a great way to start the "me" day! I will go call right now…

It is not looking to good, the woman that does the facials is booked up, but there may be a chance she can squeeze me in. I am excitedly waiting for them to call me back to let me know. Meanwhile I will get my sorry butt up and get this cold day going. There are things I can take care of here at home, I just do not want too. Everybody here is busy today and I just want to take advantage of not being needed. This does not happen that often I would be crazy not to make the best of it.

I will let you know tomorrow whether or not I thawed my heart and made the best of this winter day. I hope where ever you are you are safe and warm and happy! Today, why don't you do something nice for yourself too? You deserve it, you work hard and life is short and winter is long. All very good reasons to give some love to a very important person…YOU!

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