Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It is not what you think, I am not sad, I have SAD. Sad stands for Seasonal Affectedness Disorder. I am completely worn down and moving towards a really bad emotional place and the only thing that would really help is just a little bit of sun. Day after day of grey gloominess is more than I can take! This winter has not offered up much snow at all and the sky is perpetually dark and makes me feel like any minute Voldermort from Harry Potter will be showing up and possessing me.

I think I can hang on a couple more days and then all bets are off. I am trying to exercise everyday and drink plenty of water. I really think that considering the number of days of overcast skies I am doing rather well. No one wants to admit that they are suffering from something as pathetic sounding as SAD, but it is what it is. If it means stepping out of this grey closet and telling the world the truth, then I will hold my head high and speak the truth.

I have threatened that if the sun is not out soon I will be heading to a tanning booth and baking myself in some fake sun. It might be expensive, but it would be a huge pick-me-up. I will just be the only tan person in our town in the middle of winter. I would rather have people wondering why I am tan then having them wonder why I am so cranky and depressed. Somehow being a little tan seems like a better thing to be.

I have not looked ahead to see what the weather has to offer and maybe that is best. One day of the weatherman calling for sun and it not showing up would be the end for me. So as my husband Mark likes to say "Ignorance is bliss" and many times he adds "and I am a happy guy!" That is what I look forward to right now the happy part. The warm sunny glowy (not sure that is even a word), happy gal that I know is buried under this grey cloud. So let's all just pretend I am walking on sunshine!

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