Thursday, October 28, 2010

Enie Meanie Miney Moe

I am an uninformed American. I have no idea who to vote for to be our next governor, I also do not have a clue about school board members or state senators or even the judges or college presidents. I am completely unaware and I am not proud of it. I jumped on Mark this morning for throwing out my Sunday paper. I had planned to read it and inform myself, please note it is Thursday and I am just now thinking of reading the Sunday news. Fortunately, Mark had put the Sunday paper down with the papers he uses to build fires. I will still be able to attempt to inform myself.

Now I must answer the hard question…Do I want to be informed? Do I even care? It feels like apathy. No interest or concern, just boredom. I agree with Jon Stewart the host of the Comedy channels Daily Show. Most Americans are too busy and too tired to care about much of anything else. When I finally have a chance to sit and read about the people running for office, I will have to make a decision based on an article that will be swayed a certain way by someone else. They may sway towards a candidate or they may swerve away. I will have to decide based on very limited knowledge who will run my state for example. That just does not seem like what our fore fathers fought for at all.

The truth is this, I am having a hard enough time planning good dinners and caring for my family, do you think I should be choosing someone as important as our governor? I will do my best to become more educated in the next few days. I do not want the sacrifice that others have made for my right to vote to be a waste, however at the same time I am just as concerned about my family having more balanced meals and enough choices when they make their lunches. I am probably not a very good example of a good American. I am however a darn good example of a typical American who is just doing the best they can to keep their head above the debt chopping block and keep their family running smoothly.

I am also very turned off by the negative television ads that muddy the waters of the campaign trail. How do you make well informed decisions about people you know nothing about, when you are bombarded with information that means very little about the job a candidate will do? This will be no easy task. My only hope is to have enough knowledge when I vote that I am not playing enie meanie miney moe with my ballot. In the midst of this information hunt today I will be racking my brain for a dinner idea that does not require me to run to the store for anything. I will also be driving my kids and picking them up, supervising the doing of homework and doing housework. Somewhere in there I also have to work on our monthly budget with Mark.

Today, I am the face of America, concerned but ill informed. Striving to make good choices for my states future and simultaneously my family's future, all of this while I also fight the feeling that I do not matter to these candidates. Welcome to America, the home of hard fought freedom, now what are you going to do with it? Hmn let's see…Enie Meanie Miney Moe…

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