Saturday, October 16, 2010


In a little over an hour we will start doing Aly and Avery's hair for the Homecoming dance. It seems crazy to be getting them ready for the dance 10 hours before they are even going, but that is the nature of the beast we created when we ordered the tickets for the show Legally Blond the Musical not realizing that Homecoming would be the same day. The sound you are hearing is me screaming from the anxiety of trying to pull this whole thing off. We have had to come up with a plan for the girls to get their dresses on before we go to the show, just so we can get pictures of them together.

Avery's dance plans have finally taken shape (I had to call another Mom to find out what the heck was going on) and it looks like we will be dropping her off at a restaurant that is on our way back from the venue where the show will be preformed. This means that rather than coming home and changing and taking her back down there it makes more sense for her to change into her dress in the restaurants bathroom. I did try to advise her to just wear her dress to the show, and she gave me "the LOOK". You know the look that means I must be nuts. Obviously, she wants to wear her cute going to the show outfit and then change into her I am going to my first Homecoming fabulous dress. A girl needs to take every opportunity to wear as many cute outfits as she can…DUH!

Aly's plans have been formed and ready since last week, so they only require a small amount of tweaking. It looks like she will have to follow us down to the show in a separate car so that she can head home to change into her fabulous dress, while Ashleigh and I are dropping Avery off to meet her group of friends at dinner. Thus my anxiety, it all sounds figured out and workable, but I fear the random forgotten detail. It could rear its ugly head at the worst opportune time and throw everything off. We are practically creating a military style mission over here. One hitch and we will be running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

Regardless, Ashleigh and I are on the move this morning heading out to Sally's Beauty Supply to get a few needed items for the hair dos. Timing is everything, so I must take my anxiety filled self and get moving. How did my relaxing outing with my girls go so terribly wrong? All I can do now is jump into today with both feet, so here goes…TTFN!

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