Thursday, August 25, 2011

What is Next?

My sister explained to me the other day that the reason that I am going crazy and never seem to have a minutes break from being busy or going crazy is that I am an over achiever. I have never thought of myself as an over achiever, but when she told me that I had to take a long look at it and I think she is right.

Let's look at this week alone. I am negotiating the sale of the piano from my Aunt's house that one of the Grandson's said he wanted, than he did not want it and then he did and now…he does not again. I have had three estate sales in that house from different companies and neither was allowed to sell it and now as I suspected would happen it is my problem and I have to get it sold and out of the house by the time the sale of the house closes which should be next week. I also just arrived home from a short vacation three days ago and have been making my way through the laundry. I have had to grocery shop, come up with meal ideas and try to get my house clean and let's not forget the garage sale I am having with my girlfriend today and tomorrow. Add to all of this the movie that I went to see with Avery yesterday (The Help) since we had both read the book the movie is based on and I had promised her I would, and of course the roofing guys are back to do our siding and gutters and you have to wonder if my sister might be right. One last thing, Mark and I ran at 5:00 AM this morning, because on Saturday morning is our 8K (5.1 miles) race and we want to be prepared.

So is it that I am a high achiever, or am I just crazy? My girls had school registration this week Tuesday for Aly and Wednesday for Avery. Yesterday I ended up making two trips to the high school because when I dropped Avery off she got her schedule and it was totally not right so in order for her to change it I had to drive back up to the school and sign the change form. As I was driving back up to the school I kept wondering when the steam roller that I am running from will ever slow down or back off. Once again I have to remind myself that I do like being busy and I also prefer to sample the whole buffet rather than just one item, so that could explain why I am always wonder, "What's next?"

The battle continues with my Dad's widow who apparently has no idea what she has gotten herself into and I am pretty sure I am about ready to go down there and help her figure it out since she is living in my parent's home enjoying my Grandmother's crystal and china and has not paid a dime of rent towards what right now is half of our house for the last year and a half. My daughter Aly's senior pictures are next week and hopefully we will be able to pull together some clothes she would like to wear before that time. I also have been fighting the guilt of not writing yesterday, but the truth is I had no time to even sit still long enough to put two sentences together. The one upside to the garage sale that my friend Pam and I are having is that I will be sitting in one place and spending some quality time with my friend. I know I will not be rolling in dough at the end of it, because I have priced everything low and just do not want to bring any of it back home. I guess when I look back over this week I can see where my sister just might be right about me being an over achiever. So I guess all I can say is "What's next?"

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