Friday, August 5, 2011

Reached My Limit

I have reached my limit and I have no patience left. There is no nice way to handle it and I actually have no reason to handle it, so my best course of action is to take Mark's advice and give it to God.

I have avoided writing this morning knowing that this is burning in my brain. My head is like a scorching hot pan ready to burn up. Poke me I am done! I have no recourse except to follow Mark's advice and let it go. I have no business worrying over God's plan anyway and if for some reason someone wants to thwart his work that too is not my problem, so at this point my hands are clasped in prayer.

Here you go God,

I give you my worry and concern. I release to you the power I have been holding thinking that I could somehow fix this problem. I know now I cannot. My heart hurts and my mind is turning but nothing I do will change things. In my heart I knew this and insisted on hanging on anyway, silly me. My worry and stress has not made things better and it has kept me up nights when I need my rest most. Only you God can hold this and so for that reason I give you my worry and concern. AMEN.

Perhaps as you are going about your day today you can join me in releasing this and lifting it up. They say many hands make light work, so maybe many prayers can make a light heart. Thank you Mark for reminding me that I am not alone and that I do not need to carry this burden. I am at my limit, but I have just plugged into God's charger for a boost.

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