Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Crud

Out of the blue, I am sick. One minute I am having lunch with my husband and the next my chest starts to feel like it is filling with cement. This crud has rendered me useless. I cannot think clearly or even write coherently, thank goodness for spell check.

I am doing my best to stay away from my kids, since Avery is in a play this weekend and Aly and Avery are planning on trying out for the school musical next week. I really do not want to be the reason either of them is under the weather. Aly just had her final set of stitches from her surgery taken out yesterday and the doctor shared that the next two weeks are critical in her healing. I do not want her catching my crud and having more issues!

I am tired and unable to think anymore, so I think I will call it a day on my blog writing. Perhaps tomorrow will go better. Cross your fingers!!

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