Wednesday, January 12, 2011

As The Page Turns

Writing a blog can be tricky. For some, the purpose is to advertise their writing skills and for others blogging is a way to keep family and friends informed about their lives, and then there is me. When I began my blog it was originally a way for me to work through my journey with my Mom's death and the aftermath. Now, I find myself using this forum as a form of therapy and sometimes as a platform for my opinions about life.

My expectation is that each day offers something to someone. I do not fancy myself a prize winning journalist or even an especially good writer. I just plunk out a few words every day; for me it is sort of like cleansing my palate. I write out my thoughts and feelings and then hopefully, move on. Part of me hopes that one day this blog will be a way for my girls to know me better and possibly understand me a little.

Writing daily as I do leaves me a little thought weary some days. This year is different from last year thankfully. Last year I was dealing with daily issues about my Mom and my Dad and all of the issues with my Aunt. Now things have settled down and life is just loping along. I like that nothing especially dramatic has me twisted into a knot. It has helped me pause and think about what my next adventure might be. It is definitely time for me to start looking at my Dream board again. If nothing else I need to at least take the time to get some fresh ideas.

All I know is that as the page turns, so does my life. Each day is another step closer to an understanding of whom I am and where I will go from here. This for me will be a mostly unplanned adventure I suspect. I will be a willing participant in the adventure of my life time and this pond will some days be more shallow then others. I hope that as the page turns, you will find something that touches you or your life as well.

1 comment:

DemoDiva said...

Your blog inspired me to start journaling (blogging) my own experiences. In fact your writing has probably inspired and touched more people than you will ever know. Keep up the good work!