Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 343 The Perfect Mom Project

We just left Ashleigh and Scott's house. We are heading farther north towards some more sun and fun. We had a great time with Ashleigh and Scott playing golf and playing a variety of games with the girls. It really felt good to laugh and spend time as a family. Ashleigh and Scott will be leaving soon for an out of state job and there is a chance it will be a good two months before we see them again, so our time together was precious. Our dog Roxanne is spending the next few days with them and then on our way home we will stop and pick her up and also pick up my Granddog Louis. We will keep Louis for them while they are out of town.

It feels good to not have all the recent frustrations with my Mom's estate hanging on my mind. I know that there is much more that is coming up with that, but this little mini vacation is a nice break for all of us. Once we reach our destination today our plan is to just take it easy. I know that shutting down my brain is not easy for me, but I am going to try. Mark really needs the break and I want him to have it. Right now I am going to just shut down my computer and my mind, sit back and enjoy the ride. What a beautiful day!

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