Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 360 The Perfect Mom Project

Just a little slice of Heaven we captured...
As I look out from my perch today the skies are grey and cloudy. The weather is reflecting some of what I have been feeling. I took some of my own past advice yesterday and spent some time with some girlfriends. It was a good choice. It was hard to get myself ready and out the door, but I am glad I did. I was probably not the best company, but being out and moving around in the world made me feel a little better. This roller coaster ride that is my life is just in the crook of the lower tracks and is preparing to climb up again, so hold on!

Letters have just gone out amongst the attorneys and preparations are in the works for working with my Dad's widow to finalize this tragedy. It will still take time, but at least we are moving forward. Eventually, my Mom's estate will split between my 3 sisters and I. That is what my parents agreed to years ago, and that is what my sister Theresa and I intend to honor. My Dad as you recall has dissolved his portion of the trust my Mom and he built together and left ½ of everything to his widow. Now we are paying an attorney to referee this mess. Honestly I do not care if nothing is left when this is all over, as long as my Mom wishes are honored. This money has split our family for too long, and it is time to move on. No good can come from the lust and worship of money.

Three weeks from yesterday my girls go back to school. They will both be in high school together. I am looking forward to them sharing these years, which I consider the most exciting years of education. I have wonderful memories of my years in high school and I remember watching Ashleigh grow into a wonderful young woman during her years there. I can already see the transformation beginning in Aly and I look forward to seeing the same in Avery. High school is not an easy time, but there are a lot of fun activities mixed into the academics, dances, football and basketball games, plays, choir concerts, and much more, add to this that Aly is now 16 and allowed to date and has a job. We are in for some good times and some busy times in the months to come.

There is no time for Mom to be down or depressed or even out of sorts. There is too much out there that needs my full attention and time. I am going to have to pull out all the stops to stay on my game right now. Included in the mix of course is Aunt Nina, whom I will visit with today. I am planning on wearing my invisible protective gear, so that I can walk out of the visit the same way I walk in. I will not allow her to make me feel badly or even ask me personal questions so that she can share the information with her friends as gossip. I will visit her, make sure she is healthy and happy (whatever that looks like for her) and head home to my kids. Just because it is grey outside today, does not mean I have to be. If you will excuse me, I have a roller coaster to ride and since I am in a crazy mood, I think I will ride with my hands up today…WOOO HOOOO!

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