Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 353 The Perfect Mom Project

As I have mentioned before, I am a firm believer that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. So I was not the least bit surprised (OK maybe a little part of me) when I stumbled across a radio interview yesterday with the "Good Enough Mother" not only was her insight fabulous, but she is a registered trademark with her own website!


"Combing the aisles at Target in search of the best deal on Cheerios, it hit Rene Syler like the stench of a dirty diaper on a hot summer's day. Not only is perfection overrated its utterly impossible! Suddenly empowered, she figuratively donned her cape, scooped up another taco kit for dinner and Good Enough Mother was born.
Then and there, Rene decided she wanted to pull back the curtain and expose the myths about modern motherhood; it's terribly rewarding and ridiculously stressful, exhilarating and exhausting, fun and frustrating. She now spends her time running, a leading community for moms who understand the challenges of kids who think they know everything but won't eat anything, neighbors for whom failure is not an option and mothers-in-law who just KNOW you're doing it wrong.";

I feel the need to quote her second sentence; "Not only is perfection overrated its utterly impossible!" Impossible? Really? Wow, now what am I going to do? Seriously, I found her words inspiring, since I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants with my mothering anyway, this gives me permission to keep it up! Is it possible that perfection is in the eye of the beholder? Maybe those Mom's that seem to have it all together, are really just trying to figure it out like the rest of us. Their baking the elaborate cupcakes for birthday treats and coming to all their kids activities totally prepared is all just an act to hide their insecurities. It is also possible that they are trying to keep up with the image of the perfect mother that is perpetuated by movies, TV, and even some of their friends.

For me I am feeling like I can take my pursuit of perfection down a notch or two. I would never abandon the idea totally, but maybe just release some of the expectation I place on myself. All right, I will admit it, I am not sure I even have the perfection expectation any more. It has been a rough year and the idea that I can just be "good enough" is appealing, especially since I think I have "good enough" down to an art form. However, this "Good Enough Mother" has me thinking that maybe I should pursue some things for myself. Perhaps something that keeps me writing. I am just not sure…What do you think?

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