Tuesday, April 30, 2013


As a Mom, I find myself spending most of my time doling out advice that most times is not wanted and pretty much ignored. Some days it is simple advice like “You are going to be hot in that” or “You are going to be cold in that”. Other times I will completely invest in my advice and share some insightful information that I know will change one of my children’s lives, “Are you sure you want to do that? Perhaps ________(fill in the blank) would be a better idea?

As my children have gotten older they are less likely to listen and more likely to take a chance on their own. Watching these children “chance it” is the toughest thing I have ever done. I admit out loud, I am not good at letting go. I have been admonished by my 29 year old many times for parking my advice in her adult lot. To her admonishment I have said this, “Tough cookies! I am your Mom and I will always be your Mom! My worry and concern for your well being NEVER ends, so just get use to it."

Realistically, I know that they will not always listen and many times they are fine on their own, but once in a great while one of my girls will come slinking back to me and say “You were right”. I know how hard that is to admit to your Mom, because I had to do it a time or two, but it does not stop me from gloating and nodding with a big stupid grin on my face. I figure it’s the least they can do to put up with that, considering I was right and all and they ignored me.

One thing my children know, (mainly because I have told them) is that all my advice and opinions come from a place of love and concern. I do not throw random advice out to wreck havoc in their lives, I am sincerely trying to help them navigate through life’s maze. In the end, we all learn best from our mistakes. You know the ones, where life grabs you by the neck and rubs your nose in your stupidness. There is no better teacher really. Even a Mom with the best of intentions cannot teach a lesson like life can. Don’t get me wrong, I will not be throwing in the towel; I am still going to over mother and care too much. My children have come to expect it and a little advice is a small pill to swallow for the gift of life, don’t you agree?

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