Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Procrastinators

There are few things that drive me crazier than procrastinators. Perhaps that is why I live with two. My husband is a procrastinator and his habit of putting things off has trickled down to our youngest child. The hardest part for me when it comes to watching their procrastinating is restraining myself from coming completely unglued.

I have spent a good portion of the last twenty two years, reminding, hinting and “encouraging” my husband to move forward in job searching, household projects and contacting friends and family for birthdays, anniversaries and the like. My blood pressure goes up every time I think about it.

Imagine my delight to be raising a procrastinator. I find myself cajoling, nagging, reminding and suggesting hoping to motivate my junior procrastinator, only to end up annoyed, aggravated, disappointed and hostile because my daughter is perfectly content putting things off and than playing fire engine to get back up to speed.

I realize after twenty two years with King Procrastinator that changing this issue is near impossible. I think the best I can hope for is some minor tweaking and then I need to let her procrastinating chips fall where they may. The stress and anxiety of watching these two in action is more than I can take and most days I run the risk of falling into the procrastination habit merely because trying to keep these two a float is overwhelming.

I don’t know about you but when I realize something in my life is not what I want it to be, I work on changing it. These two knuckle heads spend so much time avoiding things that they never have time to change anything. It is like watching a dead plant not grow, a big waste of time. I am going to throw some of my energy into trying to save my youngest from this lifetime of stress…ok that would be my stress, not hers.  My youngest is perfectly happy putting things off. I however am constantly watching from afar and wondering how two good people can live happily in slow motion.

I am trying very hard to release my need to support these two in what I consider to be a very bad habit, however I have to live with them and if I do not let this go, I could end up running from my home screaming. Yes, it is that frustrating! I have always said “You are always where you are supposed to be” there is no random selection in how life plays out. I guess that means that either they are meant to learn from me, OR, OH NO, I cannot even think about the other possibility.

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