Monday, April 15, 2013

Let Us Try This Again

I am fully aware that my performance as a blogger has been less than stellar lately. I am sure you are not looking for an excuse but I feel compelled to share with you that my bright and sunny post last Wednesday (about getting back at it the next day) was a pipe dream. I am still battling whatever it was/is that has taken over my body and it is not pretty. Honestly I think I had more than one thing at one time. I have been down and out for days. The three days previous to yesterday I had a low grade fever that kept me achy, chilled and cranky, so today…Monday, makes it one week of not feeling well.

When this whole thing started I was not feeling great, but I had a positive feeling. As the week progressed I felt worse and my attitude plummeted until it was obvious that I could easily stand beside a fire with a cauldron and a broom and NO one would question what I was. By Thursday morning I could not even think clearly let alone write anything. The next three days were spent with me laying on my side on the couch and only lifting my head so that I could take my temperature. Honestly, the next time I long to be ill so that I can opt out for the day…nope do not even worry about it, it is never gonna happen because this has been HORRIBLE!

Now I am sure reading about my being sick and crabby will not be the highlight of your day, so I have something else to share with you. Yesterday as I was doing my new pastime of sitting, coughing and blowing my nose, I came across a post on Facebook that recommended thinking something positive first thing in the morning. It was said that the thought will set the tone for the day.

Because I like a challenge I am going to give this idea a try. Honestly, I generally do not climb out of bed thinking negative thoughts, but the idea of aiming for positive intrigues me and I would like to give it a try. Because I am such a great person and I love to share I think I may even share some of my positive thoughts with you. What have we got to lose? We can step into our days with a chip on our shoulder or we can leap up with the help of a little mental sunshine…hmmm it is not that tough of a decision really, is it? So let us give this a try again, I will get back to writing and together we are going to work on being more positive. Today it will be easy since the sun is out and at least in my slice of the world the weatherman is saying the temperature could go up to seventy degrees.
Ahhhhh, sunshine now that is my idea of positive! 

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