Thursday, October 6, 2011

Open Letter to Ashleigh

My oldest daughter Ashleigh has been going through a difficult time. Her life has suddenly jumped from one path to another and she is feeling very much like she is starting over. I want her to know that life does not start over. What seems like a slide backwards right now is actually a giant step forward.

Life is always twisting and turning, when you make a choice that turns life in a different direction, you need to know that you are still on your journey. You never know what will be around the curve and that is part of the joy and frustration of life. I know years ago I told you Ashleigh that we all make mistakes (I have made plenty!), it is what you choose to do after you know it was a mistake. Do not beat yourself up, do not worry about what would have been or should have been. Step back on the path and keep moving. One of the best things that came out of one of my mistakes was you. If I had not married your birth father I would not have had you in my life. I will always be grateful for that sidestep on my path.

You are intelligent, talented and people oriented. You light up a room with your smile and laughter. No one can take those things away from you. Sure you might be a little dramatic now and then, but considering your parents, I think that it is a genetic issue and something that you have learned to live with quite well. You have the opportunity now to discover even more of your talents and gifts, and I hope and pray that you will.

Ashleigh, please know that you have not failed at anything, you learned something. The only time you fail a test is when you did not learn the lesson, and I believe that you have learned the lesson and more. You are a gift from God, you are precious and you are one of the best parts of my life. I am proud of you for knowing when it was time to take a new path and then doing it in spite of what others might think and feel. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS! XXOO Mom

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