Saturday, October 1, 2011

Negative Thoughts

I am trying not to go there, but I cannot stop myself. I have a few concerns right now and I find myself dwelling on them. I know that the right choice is to believe that God will provide and protect and that any concerns I have I should lay before him, but I cannot let go and let God handle them.

I am spending way too much time trying to figure out why things are playing out like they are instead of believing that life is going to play its own way, and not my way. I wish I could switch off my negative thoughts and just trust. I talk a good game about life playing out like it is suppose to don't I? I guess if I am going to talk the talk, I should walk the walk so my goal this weekend is to get back on track and change my thinking.

This sounds easier than it will be, but you have to start somewhere, so I think being positive will help. Now I just have to get myself going for the day there is no time for pity parties or worrying…when the going gets tough the tough get going. I know all this stuff might sound hokey, but I thought a little pep talk would motivate me to think less negative and more positive. The best thing I can do is say a prayer for guidance and release this worry.

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