Friday, October 28, 2011

The First Frost

It has been a dreary damp few days. No real sun to speak of, lots of rain and a definite feel that summer has ended and fall has taken control. This morning I awoke to frost and two hours later despite the sunrise the frost remains. It is time for the heavy sweaters to come out of storage and the apple cider to be warmed before drinking it.

While I enjoy each season during the year, I struggle with the lack of sun during the fall and winter. There is something about the sun that keeps me feeling joyful and happy. Sitting anywhere with the warm sun pouring on you can change your day. Sunshine fills your heart and warms not only the outside, but your inside as well. Your step seems a little lighter and you smile a bit easier when the sun is out.

With this frost I hope for other changes as well. I pray that those things that lay heavy on the heart become lighter and easily forgotten. I hope that decisions and choices that are being made are the right ones. There is also the feeling that some of the wrongs that have been done may be righted with patience. This frost brings new views and changes the landscape enough to give hope that not only the season is changing, but the people too.

One can only hope for the light to stay bright and the cool frost to sparkle and dance and show its joyfulness. Once you resign yourself to the change, you open yourself to endless joyful possibility, all this because of the first chilling frost.

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