Friday, September 20, 2013

Operating System Update

My phone just had an operating system update. As I waited for the update to download yesterday, I thought about what an update would be like if I had one. Just yesterday I was complaining about being out of control busy and wishing I could get a handle on the situation, now I am wondering if I could get a system update too.

Would I be more in control of how many times I agreed to do things I do not have time for? Could the update help me with my hairstyle, perhaps make me trendier? If I could have an update would my wardrobe update automatically? The ideas are endless.

Obviously, I am on my own. There is no operating system update for people. We are all so different and as difficult as some of those differences are sometimes those differences make us unique and individual. I may be too busy or I may need to take off some weight, but changing those things is all within my own control. It just requires me to be honest with myself and instead of complaining about what I do not like, downloading some positive reinforcement into my life. Connecting to people that appreciate me and want me to succeed at whatever I choose to do is the best update I can do. My phone is updated and now it is my turn. 

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