Friday, September 27, 2013

Coffee Time

Our little dog Louis loves coffee time. Ever since he was a little puppy he would have “time for coffee” with our daughter Ashleigh. Although he lives with us now he still looks forward to this special time of the day. He will follow you and watch your every move in anticipation of you sitting somewhere comfy where he can join you and snuggle. Some mornings he is running in front of you looking back, wagging his tail, with his eyes lit up, hoping any minute you will say “Time for coffee” and take a seat.

I admire his perseverance. I also am amazed at how everyday is the best time for coffee he has ever had. So much so that each day he is patiently waiting for his chance to sit and enjoy a few moments once again. I marvel at this little dog and his admiration and love. It never yields. He is ready to jump up on the chair and snuggle at just the mention of coffee time, in spite of any scolding’s that may have happened previous. Those moments are all forgotten when it is time to be with someone he loves.

I wish that my mind could easily transition from frustration or exasperation with a loved one to excitement and desire to spend time with them. How easy it is for me to get stuck in the negative feelings I have and drag out my attitude much longer than I need to. Somehow this little dog has figured out that it is better to enjoy the moment when it comes, in spite of what has passed. His delight at the opportunity to sit near and love unconditionally never wanes.

I will never be able to be as unconditional as Louis; my tail wagging skills are weak. My ability to forgive and forget is weaker still some days. I will say that it is nice to know that on a day when I am the least lovable there is a furry little being that just plain loves me anyway. No expectations except a warm lap and a blanket too if it is not too much trouble. Did someone say “Time for Coffee?”

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