Thursday, March 14, 2013

No Accidents

It is a strong belief of mine that everything happens for a reason, there are no accidents, only life happening just the way it is suppose to whether we like it or not. I share this with you because this morning as I was writing what I thought was a pretty darn good blog, my computer spontaneously shut down to perform a Windows update without any warning at all. When this has happened to me before I have been able to restart the computer and locate my file which the computer wisely saved for me…not this morning, nope! This morning my almost completed blog was snatched into cyber space and no amount of cussing or teeth grinding is bringing it back.

I have to assume that what I was writing is best left floating out there and not on paper, or computer. I do not have the energy to try to recreate the flow I was on as I was writing what I thought was an awesome blog. Since everything happens for a reason, the way it is suppose to, I am going to let it go and move on. I can only hope that tomorrow new Pulitzer Prize winning writing pours from my finger tips and the cyber Gods deem it worthy of saving. For now, I am walking away frustrated and disappointed. It might not have been an accident, but it was definitely a punch to the gut and I need some time to get over it!

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