Saturday, February 11, 2012

Random Thoughts

Last night our little Midwest town had a snowstorm. Nothing intense, maybe a couple inches of blowing slippery snow. I am thrilled! My attitude will not be received well by many, but I like a good cold wintery day, when I can snuggle under a blanket with a fire blazing. This winter has not offered up many of those days and I am feeling cheated. There is also the fact that we have not had a single snow day this year. Snow days are my all time favorite thing. Snow days when there is NO school, but there is sleeping in, making a fire and just relaxing because it's too cold and snowy to do anything else…ahhh the good old days! This little burst of winter gives me hope that perhaps we may have just one itty bitty snow day before the winter season is over. I will not give up hope!

I was able to enjoy the slippery slidey roads from the passenger's seat last night as Mark and I made our way home from a Rock Your Marriage date night at our church. There was a great talk by one of our pastors and his wife who explained that a marriage needs to be filled up to keep it going just like a cars gas tank. They also used the analogy of a plant that is not watered turns brown. There were two brown plants on hand for dramatic effect.

I know I have mentioned it in the past but I have to bring it up again…marriage is hard. There is nothing easy about spending your life with the same person. I am lucky enough to have a man that will put up with all of my nonsense and still come back for more. On the other hand I do my fair share of putting up with him too. What married couple does not slog through the – You Bug Me!- phase? Go ahead name one… It was a fun night and we made it home safely even though I was certain Mark took every scary road around to get here (all part of putting up with my man)!

One last thing, and this is a doozie, yesterday on Facebook a friend of mine posted a simple request that her friends place a heart on their Facebook page to remind women about breast Cancer awareness. She simply wanted each of her woman friends to put <3 this sign which when you look closely resembles a heart. On Facebook it actually turns into a heart..I think that's cool…anyway, one "friend" got her panties in a twist because "Everyone always focuses on Breast Cancer and there are many other Cancers out there that get no attention." Here is what I think…I have lost loved ones to Cancer, it is a horrible disease in any form it takes. It was a simple heart and a simple gesture to keep the hope of a cure alive…take it down a notch sister! This is why people give up on Facebook or do not join and reconnect, because of all the panty twisted people that take it all way to seriously and never give any slack. I will now step off my soap box.

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