Monday, February 13, 2012


I have a friend who is on a mission to lose weight. She is working at it slowly, using healthy eating and exercise to whittle away at her unwanted weight. I have been amazed at her progress and awed by her determination. Oh, if I only had some of that same determination.

The last few months have not been exactly stellar. I have lost my drive and determination for working out and eating healthy. Watching my friend work so hard with great success has helped me realize that we all fight battles within ourselves. We work at our personal demons some of us with success and others of us not so much. I believe that it is the old get back on the horse (when you fall off) philosophy that is our best defense.

Giving up and not believing in our own success is way too easy. The day in and day out work of staying the course and muddling through is when your true character shines. No matter what life is throwing at us we have to duck and keep plugging away. Sometimes it takes a kick in the pants reminder from a friend or a loved one, but most of the time just the true grit of determination.

It will be an uphill day today, I give myself a hearty pat on the back for working out this morning and I plan to keep at it now, for the long haul. With inspiration and determination, how can I go wrong?

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