Friday, February 17, 2012


Every so often, all right I will be honest, most often these days I am stumped about dinner. What to make, who will be home to eat what I make and do I have what I need to make what I think I will make. It has become an endless challenge of building up enough stamina to actually think up a meal and hunt and gather what is needed. There is also the delightful process of preparation and deflecting ill timed comments when my choice for dinner falls short in one of my children's eyes.

I think I am suffering from beaten dog syndrome. The more push back about food I receive the less interested in facing the food beating squad I become. I am flinching and hiding more and more. I am past the point of caring about food and more specifically bag lunches and dinner. When I am hearing we are out of something it is always when my girls are packing their lunches for school. Not when they use the last of something, so I generally hear something about the empty carton or lack of cookies at the crack of dawn when my children are busy hurling their frustration in my direction.

This is my tribal yell announcing that I am done trying to be a mind reader and I do not have the ability to summon food into the house, so please lose the expectations. I will shop when I am darn good and ready and maybe if you are lucky, I will make a menu and have many delicious choices in the house or then again maybe I will not. If you do not have to tell me when we are out of something, why should I worry about letting you know what I am up to?

Anyway, the truth is I am not capable of skipping out on my responsibility of grocery shopping and preparing meals. I guess I just needed to act like I was all that and a bag of chips, but now I am over it. I will get back at the preparation and execution of a grocery list soon, but today I am taking the day off from worrying about it. Perhaps I will take Saturday and Sunday off too. It is Presidents day weekend and Tuesday is Mardi Gras, so I might be busy celebrating. But once all that is over, I will try to be better about following through on my shopping and preparing. At least I will think about trying to be better, I am still working on who will be where and when they will be here and what I have on hand. Once the part is sorted out I will start my list…I think.

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