Friday, December 16, 2011

A New Chapter

Today is my husband Mark's last day of work with the company he has worked for the last thirteen years. Quite honestly neither of us is worried or upset. We have put our concerns in God's hands and we know we are safe there. We have never been the type of people to worry about what might happen. We tend to think that our lives will all play out the way they should and that in the end we will be fine.

Mark has been on several interviews and it helps that his field of expertise is in strong demand right now. It also helps that we made the choice to leave the company rather than uproot our family and move to another state with his division. We looked at all of the options and felt that leaving the company was the best one for us. We have not wavered from that belief and we have not wavered in our feeling that this change is good for all of us.

New things bring new knowledge. Living life the same way everyday would be similar to living out your own personal Ground Hog day each and every day. Having this change helps us appreciate our lives and the blessings that we have perhaps taken for granted lately. Life goes on, it may not be in the same familiar pattern that we have grown accustomed to, but it continues and so will we.

Today a new chapter begins for my husband and our family. We expect there will be some bumps along the way, but that is life and that is what makes the story even more interesting. The job interviews continue the children prepare for their winter break that starts next week and Santa's helper (Me) has gained another elf (Mark) for this holiday. Life goes on, and aren't we lucky it does?

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