Monday, December 5, 2011

Holiday Hysteria!

Just when you think you can never possibly eat or do another thing this time of year, something new comes up and BAM, you are driving in the car going somewhere or preparing to eat another meal with more people. These events are always places and meals you would not miss for the world, however they ratchet up the pace of the holiday season and they expand your waistline to a very uncomfortable and self esteem busting size. Happy hysteria to you!

This year I am determined to not let the over scheduling and the food get me down. I am dedicated to working out, and I am usually pretty good about watching what I eat with the exception of popcorn which I cannot pass up ever, "butter in the middle too please!" So when it comes to food, I will just have to work at being realistic and enjoying myself, January is a great month to climb on the treadmill and walk off a few meals. As for my schedule well, let's just say if last weekend is any example of what lies ahead, I will just have to practice pacing myself and ride the wave. This past weekend started with a lovely dinner out with some friends on Friday night. Saturday night was our 2011 Progressive dinner which was a huge success (I only regret not getting a picture of the appetizers that Mark and I prepared). It was great fun once again moving from home to home seeing everyone's holiday décor and tasting each delicious morsel of food that was prepared for us. Sunday morning we were off again to have breakfast with Mark's parents to spend some time with them and to celebrate the birthday of Mark's Dad. The rest of the day was fairly slow paced and ended with a nice family meal.

Go, go, go, food and more food. The difference was that this time I told myself that each moment was valuable and important, each bite of food was part of a greater memory and if I thought anything different it would start the holiday hysterics playing in my head and ruin the event. I have also convinced myself that the word "NO" is not a bad word. Not being able to do something does not make me a bad person. If I choose to say no, please understand it is only because when I do spend time with you, I want it to be calm and joyful. I do not want to spend that visit racing through my head listing off all of the things I could be, or should be doing.

I really think it is possible to do everything I want and still get all the holiday hoopla accomplished, I just really want to do the traditional routine with a different attitude this year. I want the hysterics to become happiness and I want the berating that I do to myself for eating too much to end. What purpose does it serve to let another holiday come to a close with me being measured for a straight jacket? So this is my personal declaration that this year I am going to march to a new attitude and see how things play out. All of the shopping, wrapping, visiting and eating are going to be there whether I like it or not, so I am consciously choosing happiness over hysteria. How about you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm choosing HAPPINESS too!