Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2 Ride of Your Life

Yesterday, I mentioned my dream board, my poor measly looking dream board I should add. This obviously is going to take some time to pull together, since I am taking it very seriously and do not want to slap any old thing on there.

Here is what is on it so far:

Magazine scraps that say:         Authentic Italian (I would like to go to Italy one day)

Curacao (some place sunny and warm)

A pair of legs running, to which I added 10k

Fear of nothing

Trip to the spa

Live Life

I added in marker:            Writer

It is not much, but it is a start. I am compelled to keep searching for more items to add to my dream board, I want to fill it up. The hard part is I am not a dreamer. I am a practical, no nonsense gal. I have always faced life with a dogged head down, get her done mentality. There was no room in my life for dreaming, I had kids to raise and a house to run. Anything I dreamed of was for my kids or about my kids and now here I am looking at this empty dream board wondering if there is any hope for me.

I know I have accomplished things in the past. To some people they were significant things, but I always felt like an imposter. I was always waiting for someone to tap me on the shoulder and say "Excuse me Mam…how did you get in here?" I would just love a slice of the self confidence pie, a big slice with extra whipping cream please. I would also like to know that a woman with no college education can still feel like her life is useful. I want to be more than I think I can be, without realizing I am doing it. Sort of like when I run up hill, when I get to the top I am shocked and happy at my success. Today will not be that day. Today, I have laundry to do and a cat's litter box to clean. I also think my family would like me to make a nice dinner since this will be the only family meal we can squeeze in this week.

I am planning on finding at least one thing to add to my board today, I will keep you posted on what I come up with. I know I had you buckle up for this ride, but we are starting out slow, so be patient. My plan is to actually start accomplishing some of these dream board items but I have to learn how to dream first. This will not be easy, but what in life is?

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