Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Washer and Dryer

As I write this morning I am listening to the sound of the washer and dryer working away. The continuous cycle of wearing, washing and drying clothes has me wishing for a nude day. Seriously, where do all these clothes come from? What is worse is that most of the laundry I do belongs to my husband and me. I proclaimed years ago that once my children entered middle school their laundry was their responsibility, so other than pinch hitting for my children and doing their laundry when they are extremely busy with school activities the laundry cycle is my own.

Shirts, pants, socks and underwear never stop. Clothes are not optional in our society so unless I take up wearing paper clothing, or wrapping myself in paper towel I am going to be sorting, washing, drying, folding and putting away laundry. Normally the laundry does not antagonize me that much but I am a bundle of stress energy right now that makes me easily annoyed and unpleasant. Add to this stress energy the fact that we have been living in our basement this week while we have our wood floors redone and you have a border line loony bird on your hands.

I frankly do not know how the pioneers did it living in those little cabins and even worse, they did their laundry in creeks or boiled their clothes over a fire. I guess when I look at things that way, I have it pretty good. I am just feeling like my two dogs, two cats, husband (who works from home too) and last daughter left at home will be very glad when we can split up a little. Our togetherness is starting to make us all grouchy and nutty.

I would blather on more about all of this if I was not faced with a load of towels to fold and a washer full of darks that want a turn at tumbling around. In the end these are all good problems to have. Although my family has never been willing to try out my nude day idea, I have been able to get all my laundry done and the fact that right now I do not have to run up and down the stairs to do it is a nice bonus too. You see, not so bad right? Well, I should go these towels are not going to fold themselves.

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