Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Test

In this ever evolving world I tend to stay unevolved. I like to keep things simple and if it works for me, I generally do not want to change. Case in point, I like my cell phone. Yesterday, someone asked me if I have a Smartphone and I replied “No, I have a dumb phone.” I just do not care how smart my phone is, I am as connected as I want to be. Actually I am more connected than I want to be since the IPad came into my life. Information is easily found in seconds on any topic you can think of plus email, and Facetime, where I can talk to someone with a Smartphone face to face. I like that feature because I can call my daughter Ashleigh and we can talk, (you guessed it) face to face. I have boots that I loved so much that when the heel wore down I had new heels put on. I was not ready for the trendier style when my worn in boot worked fine.


I am sharing all of this, because I am trying a new thing today. I have done this in the past and it worked well, but it had been a long time and I want to make sure I have not forgotten what to do. I am emailing my blog to the site. It’s really no big deal, but it is something different and I want to make sure I get it right. Our family is taking a vacation soon and I want to stay in touch with you, so…TA DA, email! That is how much I care about you…I am willing to take time out from my vacation to keep in touch!


If for some reason this does not work, I may have to skip writing, which might be okay with you, but it makes me crazy to keep my life stored in my head. Better to let it out and spread the crazy thoughts wealth with the world.


That’s it that is all I have for you today, I have a busy day ahead and I need to get moving. I am going to hit the send button in just a minute and see how it goes. For a little added fun I am going to try to add a picture. You will know if it worked because you will see a picture. If you do not see a picture then you know that idea failed.


Happy first day of spring!


1 comment:

Ragen said...