Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sunny Daze

I am not sure why, but our normally cold and chilly state has had the lightest mildest winter that I can ever remember. While everyone around me seems to be delighted, I am disappointed at the lack of snow and I am especially disappointed at the lack of snow days. I look forward to that phone call from the school system in the early hours of the morning telling me that it is too cold and dangerous to have school and everyone can turn off their alarms and go back to bed. This year we have had only one snow day which was last week and I have to say it was questionable. There was some rain and it was cold and they were worried about slippery roads. I honestly think the school district was throwing parents like me a bone.

Yesterday, our already weird weather took an even more amazing turn… it was 68 degrees and sunny. How is that possible? March 7th is normally chilly, snowy and downright wintery. Everyone is gloomy and complaining about the cold and saying things like "When will winter ever end?" or "It's SO COLD!!" Instead everyone I ran into was in a sunny daze, smiling, cheerful and just plain giddy about the weather. I could just look about me at the stop lights as I was driving about and see the sunshiny happiness on all of my fellow drivers faces.

While I love my winter hibernation, there is something to be said for a good sunny daze that lulls you into a cheerful and pleasant mood. You find yourself acting like the mayor or a politician…smiling and waving at random people, lightly jogging out of the way of oncoming traffic with a little laugh and a smile and even being nice to the one mean person that is not a victim of the sunny daze.

While I have not given up on the hope of at least one more snow day, I have to admit yesterday was first runner up to a good snow day. I even popped my sun roof up for a little while just because I could. Those of you that hate winter might actually have a point, why slog through several feet of snow with boots and layer after layer of winter gear, when you can breeze out of the house in a t-shirt and jeans, throw on your sunglasses and enjoy a sunny daze?

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