Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Red Ball, What Red Ball?

It's pretty bad when your own dog rats you out! I was eating dinner and minding my own business, while my family chatted away about their day and suddenly Roxanne (formerly my favorite dog) came prancing into the dining room with my red ball from church. You know the one, it filled me with anxiety, it made me think way to much about myself and I was not sure what I was going to do about it…yeah, that one.

After blogging yesterday I discreetly tossed that red ball and Roxanne went crazy over it. Roxanne had much more enthusiasm for the red ball and what she wanted to do with it then I had, how could I deprive her? She had a lively play date with the red ball and then promptly took a nap. I became busy getting dinner ready and doing several other household tasks and forgot all about feeding my church homework to my dog.

That's when Roxanne (formerly my favorite dog) decided to draw attention to her, and my red ball. Mind you I am the only one in the family that took a red ball, Mark was working at the church that day (show off!) and the girls were at a play that a friend was in (slackers), so I ended up pulling the weight of the whole family at church. Even with that my whole family turned on me and my youngest, Avery says "Oh my gosh Mom is that your church homework Roxanne is playing with?" I was caught red handed between my dog and the darn red ball…there was nowhere to turn I just looked at my plate and started to laugh. The laughing part is a terrible habit when I feel no guilt about something, but know I should feel guilt. So I was totally busted by my family and my dog.

Now I have a smashed and chewed red ball that requires my sincere energy and reflection. I spent a few moments last night trying to unsmoosh the red ball, but its lifeless roundness was not coming back. I have to take the time in the next few days to make an effort to pull this whole fiasco together. My integrity is in question because of the poor choice I made, and I have to redeem myself or at least make an effort to show I am actually trying to do my homework, the redemption thing is probably a lost cause, my family knows me to well now.

Roxanne is showing no remorse what so ever. She threw me under the red ball and trotted away quite pleased with herself. I have decided to release the anxiety about what the red ball means and roll with it (sorry I thought that was punny…ha ha ha!). What have I got to lose anyway in the end it's a big win for me to find a way to give back and at the same time learn something new about myself. Perhaps my formerly favorite dog (Roxanne) did me a favor? Na, she was only thinking about herself as usual!

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