Friday, March 16, 2012

Music to My Ears

I hope you are sitting down, because you are not going to believe this…

Last night as I sat nice and cozy in my bed reading my magazine and tearing out recipes I want to make, Aly popped her head in my doorway and said:

"You're a smart lady, Mom!"

Excuse me? I thought, "I am, why?" I said.

"Because you were right about getting all that stuff done for my scholarship forms, it was nice to come home today and be able to hang out and not be stressed about turning them in tomorrow."

"Well, you are welcome!"

That was it, that short and sweet conversation was music to my ears. In my head I was doing the I WAS RIGHT, happy dance but I never let on to Aly because it was a big deal that she went out of her way to tell me I was right. In Mothering 101 they specifically recommend that you not gloat when your kids throw you a bone. It is really bad form to rub their noses in there messes and it can shorten the chances of it happening again.

Instead I am officially gloating here! Please do not think for one minute that she will remember this in a week or two. I will become stupid again in no time. I just need to revel in the moment right now and then get back in the game! It is best not to let your guard down this could be some evil plan to charm me or even worse to make me think I am all that and a bag of chips and the next thing you know I am tossed aside again because "You don't get it Mom!"

Today I am just happy that

  1. My daughter told me I was right
  2. My daughter told me I was right
  3. I might just have a shot at making it through the next few months
  4. My daughter was able to see past her distress and realize that my intentions were good even if my delivery or my recommendation seemed crazy.
  5. It takes a big person to tell someone they were right and I am very proud of my daughter…who told me I was right!

Shhhhh, listen it is the sound of being RIGHT, isn't it beautiful?

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