Monday, February 11, 2013

High Wind Warning


I am safely inside today listening to the wind whistle by. The weather people are telling us to be prepared for gusts up to 45 miles an hour and somehow this made me lose interest in grocery shopping. I kept envisioning carts and bags flying at me or worse yet my groceries flying everywhere and decided that there has to be something in this house we can eat that I do not have to risk my life to prepare.

I also have company today since our school district has cancelled school because our dirt roads are covered in ice and are skating rinks. My youngest is busy working on a project for her English class and waiting patiently for me to finish writing so we can watch a movie together. This is the kind of fun you have when the weather changes all your plans.

I am not going to lie to you, after washing sheets making beds, cleaning the bathroom, sweeping and mopping the bathroom and kitchen plus 4 loads of laundry I would like nothing more than to take the rest of the day off, but my brain is busy thinking up a dinner idea and not at all focused on writing. So here I am listening to the wind, trying to be clever and realizing that it is just not going to happen today.

My normal pattern of writing first thing was disrupted when I choose to spend time chatting with my daughter. Once our chat ended I started seeing things I wanted to clean and I just took off! I figured since I was steaming ahead on projects I had wanted to get to, it was best to not lose my mojo. Perhaps some of the wind was caused by my whirling work pace…okay, maybe I am exaggerating.

Anyway I am happy to be inside away from the howling wind and the chance of being blown over. I am also happy to be able to clean my house and spend time with my daughter. The mighty wind can blow all it wants to today my family has food to it eat and a clean house, high wind warning or not life still goes on. I know your right, except for the grocery shopping. I was getting a little smug.

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