Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I remember when I was younger and I would be playing a game outside with my friends, something like tag, where you were chased and hunted until the pursuer caught you and then you were “it”. I also remember my heart pounding and the anxiety of trying to get away from the person who was “it”. Nobody wanted to be the poor sucker that everyone ran away from. Well, lately I have been in my own game of tag being chased and antagonized once again by someone involved in the estate mess left by my Dad (or Stepdad and most recently I have taken to just using his first name…Glenn) and the anxiety and stress is all flooding back.
One of our sisters (again, I use this term loosely because there has never really been a sister relationship) has hired an attorney and has started requesting documentation of all of my other sisters and my activity since becoming executors for my Mom’s estate. Apparently the axe grinding will continue until she has driven us completely mad. I have spent the last three days, since I learned of all of this, stomping around with a gullet full of anxiety and hostility. This behavior is not conducive to living a calm and happy life and it is also not fitting in with my plan to get this estate resolved and move on.
This money has been a monkey on my back for years, starting with how it came into my Mom’s possession and continuing with how my Dad handled her affairs after she died and even some of his conniving when she was alive. I had hoped that once we resolved all the issues with Glenn’s (Dad, Stepdad) widow and the estate we might be able to finally disperse the green evil and be done. But now because childhood issues between siblings has reared its ugly head and one person believes whatever it is she believes, I feel like throwing my hands in the air and yelling, I GIVE!!
Here are the facts as I see them:
This money was my Moms
She shared this money unwisely with her husband Glenn and took his advice in how to hurt and scar other members of her family so that she would inherit all of her parent’s estate and not have to share.
They prepared a trust for when they died, to disperse all of the money remaining to all of their children equally.
Glenn (Dad, Stepdad) dissolved his portion of the trust and gave his portion to his new widow (Woman he hired to care for my ailing mother that he had known about a year and married 8 months after my Mom died) who then inherited this money four months after their wedding when my dad Glenn died.
We (My other sister/co executor) and I have been fighting with said widow for two years to recoup what is rightfully ours
Finally, this is my Mom and I will do whatever it takes to honor her and make sure her wishes are honored as well. No one wants to cheat or be cheated in this. We merely want this resolved and over
Now when we are very close to finally being done, in walks the new person who will be “it” in this game of emotional brutality started by people (our parents) that thought only of themselves. I wish I could just say “I give!” and then walk away. I wish I could abandon ship and say “listen, you want this mess here have it!” But I cannot, I have to see this through and make it right so that everyone can rest in peace, including me.
I have learned from this that money is not the root of evil, people are. People wanting power, people wanting more than they have more quickly then they deserve and people with no ability for care or concern of others, have dark and snake like roots in evil.
So today I will say “I GIVE!”, but it will not be to evil, but to God. I will give this to him and trust that he will hold this stress and pain and carry the burden for me. I am not able to understand the complex reasons behind this new “it” person and their chase. I can only hand this off and release control so that His arms can gather this up and help me be what I need to be in this. This is not a game and I cannot run, I must stand here and make all of this right and hopefully end this glutinous money grab that this money and it’s people began over twenty years ago.

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