Friday, August 3, 2012

No Thumpers Allowed!

The last couple of days I have been sharing my personal and private feelings about my faith. I realize that “religious talk” can put some people off and I want to let you know that while I have a strong faith, I am not fond of the thumpers either. To me a thumper is someone who expounds on something they feel strongly about without allowing room for anyone to get to that place on their own. In my opinion thumpers have the “it’s my way or the highway” way of getting their point across.
I want to let you know that I am not a thumper, I am a quiet faithful person that felt that I could work my way off an emotional ledge by talking (or writing) my way through the emotions I was having at the time. My faith is mine and in sharing my journey I was sharing my heart but in no way was I attempting to thump my faith feelings on you.
We all have a journey to follow and we all get where we need to be. My faith and how I believe may not be right for you, and that is okay with me. I will still like you just the same, as long as you are kind and caring. I also expect you to be nice. I will also say that if you are not a nice person, you should find another blog to follow, because I cannot tolerate mean people. In fairness I have my bad days and I have said a mean thing (or three) from time to time, but I am not an overall mean person.
What I am trying to say is that as I wrote about God these last couple of days and sometimes in the past, I am talking about my faith, which I came to in my own way and in my own time. I do not believe it is my job to make you believe anything or thump about religion or faith. You will come to your own faith and belief in your own time. I am only sharing with you my own safe place to fall, in hopes that if you are searching that you might find what you need there. If not, that is ok, stay the nice person that you are and we will continue to be friends…you the reader and me the writer just plugging along making our way through our lives with no thumping involved.

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