Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lunch Date

Have you ever seen a flower bloom in the late winter? The flower pops its head up out of the snow and bursts open with the same excitement it would have on a warm sunny day. It petals wide open and you can almost hear it yelling, “I’m HERE! Not much longer until spring!” that one little burst of color and the surprise of having the flower appear in the winter make the difference in getting through one more snowy day or month. You have hope.
Yesterday I had my flower bloom in the form of two old friends, my Aunt Nina’s aide, Anna, who cared for Aunt Nina until she died in 2011 and my Aunt’s best friend of over 40 years, Nancy. I met them for lunch with my girlfriend Pam and we had a great visit. It was nice to spend time with them and hear how they were doing. In my heart I knew Aunt Nina was watching and proud that we were all together.
This short visit helped me refocus my attention on what is really important…people. The relationships that we have with the people in our lives, is going to carry us longer and farther than any money in the world. These two women have worked hard in this last year to stay in touch with me. They have called and checked in periodically to make sure all was well and when I was not in touch as often as they hoped they would call again. These two women have invested in me and I in return have learned a lesson and will invest in them as well.
I do not share deep issues with them and I try not to burden them with things that might weigh heavily on me, but I have learned that if I needed to share, Anna and Nancy would listen and if I needed help they would offer it. Their friendship along with the friendships of all of the wonderful women I know are what God sends to me as my army of strength and I know now that this gift is greater than any money, worry or person with ill intent.
Yesterday a flower bloomed in my heart and today I have hope that things are not always as bad as they seem and when they are I have an army available to me. I know this because out of the blue this morning another friend and warrior emailed me offering her support and suggesting we meet for coffee. Another bloom that has poked out of the cold and yelling “I’m HERE!” to remind me that I am not alone and that my faith is my strength. I just need to have the strength to reach out to my army if I need them and let go of the struggle so that I see the blossom when it pokes out its head as I now know it will. I also want to thank every one of my warriors, (you know who you are) for always being there and loving me even when I make it hard to do
Anna, Pam, Me and Nancy on our lunch date...gotta love these women!

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