Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Party Planner

The last few days have been a whirlwind. Aly graduated on Sunday and we had several activities leading up to that one day. Now our home is in full on party preparation mode. There is a lot to do and my eyes are bugging out, mainly because I am just not as focus as I usually am and when I remember what I have forgotten, I freak out!
We will be having our graduation celebration in less than two weeks and while I am excited to have a bash here at our home, I am also unable to pull it all together without a whole lot of prodding by my friends. I have had elbow jabs about menus and ordering food and phone calls that need to be made. If it was not for the shoves from my friends I would be in a world of hurt right now.
There has been too much happening and I have just shut down. It is funny how that happens you are going along happily living your life and suddenly BAM you are off track, unfocused and a bit crazy. I am not to the point of talking to myself or living on the street, but I am not the party planner I once was and it is disappointing.
Sometimes the one thing that you want least to do is the only thing between you and the funny farm, for me this party is it. The party is keeping me heading in a straight direction. I cannot stop or I will end up letting go of the last fibers of some sort of sanity. Do not get me wrong I want to have the party and I am looking forward to celebrating Aly’s graduation, I am just overwhelmed by it all which makes me not as excited as I should be.
In the middle of all of this I still need to focus on the rest of my family.
My youngest, who has a lot of activities going on including job hunting, working on getting her license (any day now) and having just been voted Co-President of the Junior class, which means her political career and student council are also a focus.
My husband, who is fighting to not become depressed about a job he hates and a wife who has a list of to do's that he thinks will never end.
My oldest daughter, who has just moved home temporarily, who needs some TLC.

And then there is me…Crazy Glued together hoping to make it another couple of weeks with the help of my personal party planners. I am now tying a knot at the end of this rope and hanging on while I simultaneously plop on my party planner hat. It is just another day of fun and excitement.


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