Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Vacation is Finally Here

Finally summer vacation is here. Aly has graduated and Avery has finished her last day of school last Friday. So today I am taking a few minutes in my perch overlooking my backyard and a few short minutes to write. That will be the extent of any possible vacation until next week end is over. I do not have a lot of time to dilly dally this week, because we have planned Aly’s Graduation party for this coming Saturday.

Summer vacation used to be a lot more relaxing. This summer in particular will be different because Aly is working and hopefully (cross your fingers) so will Avery. Plus we are preparing to send our middle daughter (Aly) off t0 college in the fall and just because we like to make things super fun, Aly and I leave Sunday afternoon (the day after the party) to head to her college orientation. We will spend the night there and be orientated the next day. Fun, fun, fun, it just never ends!

In my mind that means that next Tuesday morning when I open my peepers I will be able to take a deep breath and look at summer with a whole new attitude. Some of the big stressful stuff will be over and I will only have to worry about things like stuff for the dorm and moving the daughter to the dorm. We all know that how I picture things happening and how they really happen are two different things, but leave me alone with my fantasy for now will you? I deserve a bit of fake relief if only for a few minutes.

I am also on the verge of taking a cattle prod to my youngest she has put off taking her driving test and now I believe I may be driving my daughter everywhere until I die. How did I manage to raise a child that thinks putting something off is the best way to handle something stressful? Maybe my take charge attitude has actually enabled her. All I know is that some BIG changes are going to happen and quick. I am not a chauffeur and I am not a taxi! I have paid my Mom dues and the days of driving able bodied people where they need to be are over! Unless my “Baby” wants a long lonely summer, she had best get driving!!

In a twist of when stress enters sometimes another leaves, word came Friday night that my parent’s house was sold. The closing papers were signed and the money divided between my Mom’s estate and my Dad’s and another part of that sad history is behind us. The hope is that maybe in the next few weeks we can settle all of this and my sisters and I can get on with our lives and hopefully heal. It would be nice to finally lay my Mom to rest. I still have her ashes (along with her dog and cat’s ashes…do not judge me!) in a container in my living room and my plan had always been to disperse them once the estate dispute is finally over. I do not dare get my hopes up yet, but it is nice to think that the day may come when life is more about our everyday stress and less about the stress my Dad created.

Ahhhhh Summer. If I close my eyes and breathe in, I almost feel calm. Then I open my eyes and realize that I have to get my fanny in gear and get some stuff done around here for this weekend’s shindig (Do people use that word anymore?). If nothing else, I want to get back to my writing, I miss blabbing about all my nonsense every day, even if you don’t miss reading about all the nonsense. It is getting close to 10 AM, the time I decided I would start vacuuming to wake up my children (TEEHEE) so I will touch base with you probably Thursday this week and let you know how my strategic party preparation mission is going! Happy Summer to you and if yours has not started yet, happy day!

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