Thursday, June 21, 2012

Writer's Cramp

It has been far too long since I have written. It is to the point now that I fear I have lost the ability to write at all. I have enjoyed not feeling like I had to write, but that has also contributed to my writing delinquency. My hope is that if I start out slowly I can get back to a comfortable pattern of sharing my endless thoughts about mostly nonsense.
It feels as though my brain has cramped up and is unable to open enough to let the tiniest thoughts out. I can only hope that by returning to my habit and writing a little each day, I will recapture the ability of sharing my thoughts and feelings in a way that is enjoyable for others. Right now it seems as though I have a globbie thick paste for a brain. Paste is not a good path way for thoughts to travel at all.
I must hang up my writer’s habit for the day since my youngest has an audition to become a princess at a party palace for little girls. She needs my help doing her hair in a princess hairdo. I do not make this stuff up people, this is my real life and I am often just as amazed as you at the things I get myself into. Let me be clear, having never been a princess, I am not really sure I am able to pull off the look she needs, but I am sure I will try my hardest and that is all I can do.
It is good to have the Graduation party behind me so that I can do fun things like princess hair and driving the princess to her audition. Later for fun I will fold laundry and make dinner.  Maybe all this royal hoopla will help with my writer’s cramp.

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