Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I’ve Got Nothing!

I have been comfortably seated in my writing perch for well over an hour and I have written nothing. It actually feels kind of good to have nothing pressing on my brain to come out. Today is going to be a day of cleaning and a small bit of grocery shopping with the cherry on top being another trip to Aly's doctor to see how her healing from her June surgery is coming along.

The rain and thunderstorms that have been predicted today seem to be at bay so I might even sit on my deck for another cup of coffee before I start my chores, or maybe even hold off on the coffee until the middle of my chores. Yep, that is the rebel in me coming out! I have longed for a day like today for months and now I have one and have no idea what to do with myself. So for today, "I got nothing" and I am ok with that.

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