Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 7 The Perfect Mom Project

The one thing that I like about my career in Motherhood, I am never without information or motivation. There is always a book or television show, community organization or person, willing to tell you how to do your job right. That fact is also why I struggle with huge amounts of guilt and I have to assume that many other Moms are in the same boat.

There have been many times when I have been involved at my children's school and thinking I am so great, because I am helping fold the school newsletter and in walks Mom Of America, with a basket of muffins for the teachers and staff. She then heads to the school library to put away books for the librarian and afterwards heads to the classroom to plan and prepare the showcase for the teacher. There always seems to be someone or something that knocks me down off my "Good Mom Throne". I know realistically what my limit is as a Mom, but it always amazes me how far some people are able to go beyond my limit. OK, maybe that is a lie. I might think I know my limit, but as soon as I see another Mom swooping in with her cape on, I immediately want a piece of the action!

When talking with a friend yesterday, it struck me how often the bar gets raised in mothering by what we lovingly referred to in our discussion as "Mom pressure". It is similar to peer pressure, but more then just the peer is affected by Mom pressure. The entire family can either win or lose depending on how the unsuspecting Mom handles it.

Example, after sending simple things like donuts and cider for my children's classroom birthday celebrations I decided I would kick it up a notch in my youngest daughters 4th grade year. Years of watching all these fabulous Moms doing their birthday magic, helped me decide to throw my hat into the ring. Avery loves frogs, she has since she was in preschool. I decided I would make these delightful cookies I had seen in a magazine. This particular magazine promotes perfect momdom(new word). They trot out an endless supply of ideas and you would have to be a total heel not to jump on board. So anyway...I digress,back to the cookies.

The magazine showed this cute picture of these little gummy frogs perched on sugar cookie lily pads. I had to do this!! Have you ever seen gummy frogs? When you are actually looking for them, they are not to easy to find. Plus making all those sugar cookies from scratch? Yikes that is a lot work. Already you can see that perhaps I am not cut from the same cloth as "Mom of America". I did eventually come up with a plan to buy the cookies precut and bake them, and a supportive Mom friend found the little froggies for me, but I felt a little diminished, because I was not making them from scratch. I have to say though, in the end they were darn cute!

That is how it all begins, that one little success, creates a Momster (another new word, I kind of like this one). You are suddenly combing the magazines, watching television and asking friends how they created those adorable tote bags out of the juice box pouches. The bar is now raised and you are consumed with the task of becoming...The Perfect Mom

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