Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 3 The Perfect Mom Project

Yesterday started off fairly well. I drove my middle daughter up to the high school to register her for 10th grade year. We went through each station of registration and it was time for the dreaded photo line. I kept anticipating that I would be asked by Aly to just wait by the wall, but that did not happen. I even said, "Why don't I wait over there for you?" She replied, "no that's OK Mom, you can keep me company". I thought for sure hanging with me was the kiss of death, but apparently either she did not care, or she just did not want to stand in line alone. Regardless, it all went fairly well. I left Aly at the school to work at the sophomore booth for a couple of hours and then she planned to have lunch with her girlfriends. Then I would get her call and pick her up. This is where I start to lose it a little.
When I did get her call I immediately drove to pick her up from town. At this point, I knew that she would be coming home to change and then I would be driving her to the beach to help celebrate her girlfriend's birthday. Once she had changed we stopped and picked up another girlfriend, plus my youngest rode along since we would also be picking up her girlfriend who just happens to be Aly's girlfriend's sister. We all rode to the park for the drop off and then I brought the younger girls home to swim and hang out at my house. About a half hour later Aly calls to tell me "We really do not know to many people at this party, could you come pick us up?" My first thought was NO, I just dropped you off, I am not a taxi service, but I did not say that. I had just put some zucchini bread in the oven, and the younger girls had just gotten into the pool, so I told her she would have to wait the 55 minutes for the bread to finish and then I would come and get them.

Which is what I did, but in the mean time as drove there I could not help feeling like a taxi cab. The bright side of the whole taxi trip thing was that Aly's girlfriend is now my technical support for my new phone. I had been so aggravated with the thing that I was willing to pay $35.00 to exchange it. Her girlfriend who I will lovingly call Techie in this blog was able to figure out how to do the main thing I was most aggravated about, I could not set separate ring tones for certain people. Once she figured out what the issue was, I was suddenly so happy with my new phone. Anyway, I was able to move on from the whole being a "cabbie" thing and enjoy the rest of the day.
I know over all that I am not a "BAD" Mom, but I sometimes say or do things with my kids that I know are not "GOOD Mom choices. I also think that kids just do not understand that Mom's are people too. I recently had to tell my youngest Avery that I was not a psychologist and I was not always going to say or do all the right things. I think she reads to many books where the Mom's are flawless. Sadly her Mom is not flawless. I wonder is that a requirement to be a good Mom? I will continue to move forward in my quest for perfection today. It is raining, so there will be lots of opportunity for togetherness.

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