Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 4 The Perfect Mom Project

This Morning as I type this I am surrounded by my youngest daughter's blanket tent. She took several chairs and draped several blankets over them to create a tent for herself to sleep in. Upstairs, there is a homemade chocolate cake baking for my oldest daughter's birthday. With that in mind I would like to respond to some thoughts that my friends and family have had about my journey to motherhood perfection.

I honestly do not consider myself a BAD Mom, some of you have made comments that you do not think I am a BAD Mom, and have even been very complimentary. While I appreciate your kind words and support, I feel I should clarify what I am trying to do with this blog. First of all, My Mom passing away has hit me a lot harder then I expected and this is a way for me to work through some of the things that I never had a chance to resolve within myself about our relationship. Second I love writing and I had fallen off the writing wagon and wanted a way to get back on. Third I wanted a way to understand my relationship with my kids and thought that by sharing my story with you I would also hear your stories and that somehow this will help all of us understand how great we really are.

I had a great conversation yesterday with some good friends and we were talking about where exactly the bar is set for motherhood. What makes us "good or"bad". Would my project raise the bar or possibly lower it? I know that this is not a potential Pulitzer prize winning project, but I also feel that through this Blog I will be talking with people about something that has been a curiosity to me for some time...Motherhood.

This weekend my family and I will be staying at my daughter and son-in-law's house. They live a little over two hours away, so it always feels like a little get away. I am looking forward to our time together. With Ashleigh, who is my oldest, I get to see one finished mothering project. I am actually quite pleased with my work. Obviously I am always ready to do some tweaking when we are together. Not only with Ashleigh, but sometimes I have to do a little tune up on my Son-in-law, Scott. I know that sounds a bit like nagging, but it is mostly in fun. They are a great couple and they have a wonderful life together. I feel blessed to have Scott in our family. Having a Son-in-law, also opens up a whole other section in motherhood. I will not even go there right now.

SO here is to another day of mothering and working to get it right. Maybe I will climb into this blanket tent city that is next to me and give my baby a big hug!! "What a GOOD Mom!"

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