Friday, November 22, 2013

Passing Time

Time is passing faster and faster. Everyday feels like I just woke up and then turn around to head back to bed. I find myself wondering if the time is flying because of the holidays coming or the fact that my family will all be home for Thanksgiving and my endless list making and preparation shoves time forward. Either way, I went to sleep Monday night, today I woke up to Friday morning. I will not annoy you with wondering where time might have gone; it has just gone, period.

The endless planning and preparing for our short spurt of time with family during the holidays can be daunting and exhilarating all at once. We want each and every thing to hold the memories that we cherish and swell our hearts with love. I find it myself second guessing and rearranging and finally going back to my original plan. I also plot and scheme to make special moments that can be time stamps for us to look back on, when I already know that those special times are never planned they just happen.

Time just flies there is no real reason other than we are flying, our brains are flying and our excitement pushes us faster and faster. In the end, the calm as we relax after we have eaten and talked and laughed is our reward. Peaceful quiet that will last until the dishes are cleaned, then we will climb into bed on Thanksgiving night and wake up to find that it is already Christmas Eve.

Time will fly and it will be gone, but the warm memories will hold us through the cold of winter and the memories will be like flannel pajamas keeping us cozy and comfy for another year. For now we just travel through time as fast as we can, gathering our memories, making lists and longing for a slower pace.

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