Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer is Getting Away

It feels like we are just starting to get the hang of this whole summer thing and already we are half way through…some of us are farther through then others since one month from today we will be moving Aly into her college dorm. Summer is getting away and I feel the need to grab a hold of it, dig in my heels and slow it down.
I still want to go to a great Farmers Market in our downtown area and take a day trip somewhere fun. I have been thinking a concert would be fun too, but that could just be a wistful thought since I am not a huge crowd person. I want to eat dinner somewhere overlooking the water and I also would like to go for a long bike ride with my family and do not ask me why, but maybe even visit our local zoo.
Of course many of these activities sound fabulous in my head but once you get our families cast of characters together it turns into total mayhem with some on board and others not, depending on the day and the activity. By the end of it all I am screaming in my head and out of my mouth because I was hoping for a lovely day with my family and instead end up disliking them all immensely.
Nothing can top last summer when we drove to Maine for my cousins wedding. Somehow I think there is a piece of me that feels a little cheated that we do not have that type of adventure ahead. We do have our annual trip to New York to visit our friends that live in Rochester, so the summer is not a complete wash out.
I suppose that Miss Whiny Pants also forgot about her weekend away with her husband not so long ago. Perhaps I should knock off the poor me where has summer gone nonsense and just jump onboard with what time we have left. I guess I will undig my heels, pack away my pity party and slip on my big girl panties and accept what is ahead in the time that is left. That is probably a more positive plan then this blah blah blah, I wish this, I miss that, I wanna, but I ain’t gonna, stuff.
So summer is up and running and I am doing my best to run along side of it. Care to join me? What is on your summer wish list?

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